IT IS TIME! I’ve been working on bringing you some fun video content with my boudoir clients since…well, pre-2020. There were quite a few obstacles but we are FINALLY here! Let me introduce you to a unique look into the studio. There are many moments that I share with my clients, but this is one of my favorites. You get to watch my clients as they explore their boudoir collection for the first time. These moments remind us of their journey throughout the Blush & Tease Experience. And it gives them some time to sit and brag on themselves. And OH MY GOSH. It is such a blast! My cheeks hurt at the end of these meetings!
So hang out with us for a bit! Welcome to Bragging Rights – Boudoir Collection Pickup
Rebekah, I can not thank you enough for sharing your Blush & Tease experience with my people! You are such a light! It was such a pleasure to watch you shine brighter and brighter over the last few months. I feel so lucky to get to know and work with women like you!
A: Was there anything that held you back from doing this?
R: I was nervous about my body being picture perfect and looking a certain way.
A: It really takes trust. It’s like, okay, I may hate these but we’re going to go for it. When did you realize that wasn’t going to be the case?
R: When I saw a friends album and I decided I need to do something like this and when I saw the back of the camera I thought, Every. Single. Photo. Is. Insane.
R: On the meeting day, when you were explaining your team and how you pick them that was helpful knowing that the people who are doing my hair and makeup are going to be fantastic.
A: It’s funny, because when you initially do an experience like this you think this is for me, only me, and then once you feel it. you’re like everyone should feel this way!
R: Who I was when I walked into the meet and greet and who I was after the reveal and even now, it’s looking into the album and thinking oh, hello, that’s you.
R: It was extremely paramount, when I walked into the room and everything was laid out on the bed and it was fine. I was like hell yeah, here we go, okay! I just needed someone to boss me around and tell me what to do and I’ll be fine.
A: There’s something about that day, when you leave, you’re very proud of yourself, you feel so beautiful. What is that thing that you would say to yourself, hey, in 10 days, when you don’t feel this way I want you to remember this?
R: When I left, we got in the car and the first thing I said was like, that was so fun I wanted to do it again and it was the gigantic confidence booster that I needed in order to see myself beyond how I saw myself before.
A: And it has it faded?
R: No. Everyone needs to do this, like if it was a possibility for every woman… It’s a wonderful woman, empowering women that are then empowering women all over.. And it’s just a beautiful thing.