Trust me, I can talk about my love for boudoir photography until I’m blue in the face. How its not just about sexy lingerie and pretty makeup. How its more of an experience for you then a gift for him. How my goal is to show you what the mirror can not. But maybe this time I’ll just let one of my (INSANELY GORGEOUS) boudoir beauties do the talking…
“Before my shoot, I was in pursuit of self-confidence, trying to learn to love my body. I spent most of my time from 13 years old on wishing I had a different body, always wanting some part of me to be different. At 26 I decided enough was enough, it was time to start loving who I am, and loving the body I’m blessed to have.
I noticed a change in myself both at the shoot and after seeing the pictures. At the shoot, I had more of a personal change. My confidence skyrocketed. I kept thinking “I can do this, and I feel like I’m rocking it!” I was in charge of my body and feelings, and my body wasn’t negatively affecting how I was feeling for the first time in a while. It was an incredible experience.
After seeing my pictures, I was able to see myself the way my husband sees me. I was amazed that I was the girl in the pictures. I couldn’t accept his complements before, I always answered with “Thanks, but you’re crazy”. Now I know his compliments weren’t out of obligation or just to be nice. My mentality has been transformed by my experience with Blush & Tease.” -Ms. B.