I’ve been breaking down all of the feels that go into the Blush & Tease Experience, it really is such an emotional roller coaster! If you missed the first blog…make sure to check it out HERE so you know what I’m blabbing about!
Is this experience for me? Can I do it?
One of the first things that you have to decide before you ride a roller coaster is are you going to get on? Maybe looking at the hills and twists and turns from the ground, you still haven’t even decided if this ride is for you. But you get in line anyway, I mean, you can always change your mind before you get strapped in, right?
I want to take a minute and talk to the babes that aren’t sure if the Blush & Tease Experience is for them. Whatever that means to you. You’re too old, not pretty enough, shy, awkward, not happy with your body, single, should I go on? There are plenty of babes who look at this ride from the ground and think, “Good for those women, but that’s not for me because ___________.”
Cue some BEAUTIFUL photos of a babe who really wasn’t sure if she could pull this off. (Oh, she was SOOOO wrong.)
Dream team: Makeup by Heather B. & Hayley Styles
So let me tell you who this experience IS for. It is for women.
Women who want to learn more about their own beauty (inside & out).
Women who want to fall more in love with themselves.
Women who want to see themselves the way the people who love them do.
Women who want to feel confidence in their core.
Women who want to be reminded of what they bring to the world.
Women who are sick of staring at their flaws.
Women who have forgotten the beauty they possess.
Women who are proud of where they are and want to celebrate.
Women who feel like they have so far to go but need to stop and sit with who they are.
It is for all women.
I could go on and on about the women that I have worked with and the women that I want to work with. But just know this, when you are ready to trust me and get on the ride, I’ll be right there with you making sure its more than you could have ever hoped for. Let’s create something unique together. And let me show you the beauty that I see.
So, if you’re still in line wondering if you’re going to get on the roller coaster, let’s chat. I understand your doubts, fears, and hesitations, they are totally valid! BUT they are not enough to hold you back from falling more in love with yourself.