I’m sure at this point you have heard me mention “Redefining Boudoir”, I wanted to explain just a bit. Boudoir is part of what I do, but it does not cover it all. Lately I’ve been trying to put words to what a Blush & Tease session really is. Its not just pretty makeup and sexy lingerie! I’ve narrowed it down to 2 things (so far…there may be more to come).
A vulnerable experience. Ok, as a woman I can say that almost anytime I’m in front of a camera I feel a little vulnerable. But even more then that. As we go through our planning meeting, I ask questions that are a little deeper then just what you want to wear (or not wear) at your session. Sometimes…that means being more vulnerable emotionally then physically. The Blush & Tease experience isn’t about taking off your clothes, its about tearing down some walls…sometimes those 2 go hand in hand ha!
Honest images. I want you to fall in love with you! Not with my photoshop skills. So I can make a promise that the beauty you see in your images is beauty that you already have…everyday.
Ok ok, on to the pictures. Before Christmas I had the opportunity to get 2 incredible sisters in my studio! I have worked with and absolutely ADORE both. Ok, so you’ll see no lingerie, but there are some bed poses haha!
So just to give you a taste of another side of Blush & Tease…ladies who were willing to be vulnerable in front of my camera, and honest images of their breathtaking beauty.
At the end of this session something magical happened…Chelsea danced. But I’m saving that for the next blog post! Tune in on Friday to see!