

Day 30!! Do something that you loved as a child!!


Do you remember things that you did when you were a kid that took up all of the space in your mind, there were no worries or fears when you were playing and time just slipped away. I want you to think of the things you enjoyed when you were young, find something still attainable today and DO IT!


My mind immediately went to climbing trees, I spent so many hours up in the tops of trees! And then my brain said that 42 year old Adena does not need to be climbing trees. What I remember most about being in the tree was enjoying a little hidden place, away from the world, and reading. Book after book after book. So today I will find a little hidden place and disappear to read.


What is yours? I would love to know the places your mind goes and how you can turn it into something that you can do today. It is so fun to remember things that brought you joy. And what a great way to spend time with yourself...tapping into an old memory.