

Day number 23 we are going to talk Enneagrams! Some of you just got SOOOO excited, some of you rolled eyes and others have no idea what I'm talking about haha! This is a challenge that you may not have time for today but I would love for you to get to it at some point this week.


The Enneagram test is the most accurate personality test that I've ever taken. I've done quiet a few and this one just seems to make the most sense to me. When you find out your number you can understand your strengths, weaknesses, how you act when you're in a healthy place and what kind of things you do when you're in a not so healthy place. I think it is an AMAZING way to get to know yourself.


A few things to note, this is obviously not 100% fact. Each of you are unique in so many ways, you could never fall into only 9 groups. Also, as you learn the negatives about your number, don't beat yourself up. Recognize tendencies and maybe even laugh at yourself a little.


I'm going to send you for a wild ride here because I'm not going to make you pay for an Enneagram test haha! SO first I will give you a website to take the test. I think it says its 16 pages, the pages get shorter as you go, but it will take a few minutes to complete. Set aside some time and be honest with yourself as you answer the questions. The first time I did it, I did it out loud with someone and I remember answering NO to a question and they immediately said "ARE YOU KIDDING, you totally are!". Don't ask other people's opinions. Take a step back, look at yourself and answer how you would. Once you finish the test, it should give you a number and possibly a wing number. Make note of these numbers and then I'm going to give you a link to a DIFFERENT website to read all about it. I find that the free test websites descriptions don't explain in enough detail.


Last thing I will say to explain before I give you the links. There are 9 enneagrams, each has strengths and weaknesses. We need all 9 to make this world a better place. None are better than others. As far as I understand, your wing should be connected to your enneagram number. I'll use myself as an example. I'm a 2 (the helper) and my wing is a 1 (the reformer) but my wing could also be a 3 (the numbers are connected and 9 goes back to 1). Does that make sense? When you start reading the descriptions will explain what your different numbers mean, what you need to thrive, how you work in relationships. I think you'll find it so interesting!


TAKE THE TEST HERE: (classical test)




Once you are done, your mind might feel like mush or you might be totally energized to learn more about yourself. Either way, know that this time reflecting on who you are will only strengthen the way you show up for yourself, learn how you thrive, what you need and want, what your fears are and so much more!


NOW, if you already know your enneagram...choose your own adventure. Maybe take it again and see if it still rings true. Maybe read more about it on the link with the results (its so interesting to know your friends/family's enneagram and read why you are compatible). If you're literally an enneagram wizard & you happen to be on instragam, go check out some of the profiles dedicated to putting our feelings into words. You will feel SEEN.


instagram accounts:




BONUS...TEXT ME YOUR ENNEAGRAM NUMBER!! I want to know what you learned about yourself!