Challenge #17 - Say no to something.
I want you to think about things in your life that take away your energy, they drain you mentally & emotionally. This may be super obvious to some of you, or you may have to look for it. But pay attention to things you dread. Maybe its something that at one point in your life was important and necessary but now it really is not useful to you anymore. It is so important for us to reevaluate how we spend our time on a regular basis.
I don't want to get into too many examples because everyone's lives are so different and I think some of these little things we need to be saying no to are really unique to each of us. Now, please know that you can recognize that your toddler that threw his shoe at your head is NOT SERVING YOU but you also can't 'say no' to him. (I mean, say NO but that's not this challenge haha!) And please don't quit your job (#adenamademedoit)! What I'm talking about could be a commitment that you just keep getting roped into, a habit that you know is not helping you show up for yourself, a person that really is toxic for your mental health. There are so many places you might find the thing you need to say no to.
I always go back to these two thoughts...
You only have so many YES's - Quite literally, there are only so many hours in the day. If you said yes to everything, A. There's no way you would get it all done and B. other things that are important to you would be slipping through the cracks without you even knowing. So before you say yes to something new, make sure you're ok with saying no to something that is already taking up your time.
If you don't prioritize your life, someone else will do it for you - Have you ever noticed that a day with no plans can up being even more busy than a day with a full schedule lined up? Even if you have no other person making decisions for you, you're being influenced constantly on social media and even when you're just driving down the street. Your time & money are valuable and SO many people want them. You have to decide what you want your day to look like and then show up for yourself.
I would love to know if this challenge resonates with you. Did you find the thing you need to say no to?