

It's day 12 of the 31 day challenge and I'm just SOOOO dang proud that you're here!


Sundays we reflect. These days are built into the challenge because I know life gets crazy and things get hard and we all need a little breather or a little catch up. Use today to finish up a challenge that you didn't have time for, spend more time on a challenge that you know you need, reflect on how you felt this week and prepare for next week.


How many challenges did you complete this week? Which one was your favorite & why? Has it been hard to make time to show up for yourself every day? Are you starting to feel a difference? I would love to know! (Always feel free to text back on the same number that you get your challenges every morning!)


I have some really fun challenges coming up this week, I can't wait to share them with you!

xo Adena