I am so thrilled to guide you through the next 31 days. There will be tasks that feel natural and true to you, and there will be challenges that push you outside of your comfort zone. You are showing up for yourself and that isn't always easy. So as much as you enjoy some challenge, others might feel like chores...keep showing up.
First, let me explain what the next 31 days will look like. You will receive your challenge every morning. Take some time to read through it and be intentional about creating space for it that day. (If you take a moment in the morning it will help you find the time to make sure it gets done that same day.) BUT I know life happens and a specific challenge might not work out the day it is scheduled for. If that is the case, you can always take things into your own hands for that day. You can go to Pinterest or Google and search self love journal prompts or self care ideas. You'll find lots of ways to spend a few minutes loving on yourself. And then make sure you come back to that day's challenge so you can make it up another day.
Also, every Sunday will be a day to reflect on the challenges from that week and reset your intentions for the next week. You can always use Sunday as a day to catch up on any challenges that didn't work out throughout the week.
Does that all make sense? If you have ANY questions at all, please feel free to send them my way!
Email me:
Text me: (303) 902-7035
I asked each of you what you wanted to get out of this challenge when you signed up. Some answers were...
"A better understanding of myself, what I want and where I’m going"
"To love myself more everyday"
"I’m hoping to treat myself a little better through this"
"Gain confidence and self love."
Let me throw some other ideas out there...
To learn to take a compliment, to speak nicer to myself, to be my own cheerleader, to listen to my heart more, I could go on and on with ideas of what this challenge can do for you if you show up. What so you want to get out of this challenge? Make a list! I want you to write them down, remember them, ask yourself how they can become more true to you.
Today's challenge is really just saying HEY (insert your name here in all caps, not really yelling but sternly grabbing your attention haha), let's do this. I signed up for a reason and I know I need this.
I already know you're committed because you made it this far, let's set our intention for this challenge and then make a promise to ourselves to show up again tomorrow.
If you haven't downloaded the January calendar below, you can print that out or save it to your phone to hold yourself accountable and celebrate your hard work. If you still need a journal or anything else to prep for the next 31 days, get it done today!
Have you ever heard of Marco Polo? It is an app that lets people create videos that can then be watched or replayed whenever they have time. It's one of my favorite apps for keeping in touch with my friends out of town but I want to use it for this challenge. This is a total bonus thing, not required for the challenge at all but if you want to be a part of the Marco Polo videos, TEXT ME NOW! (303) 902-7035 I will add you to the group and will randomly be popping on to encourage you over the next 31 days. There is no need to make your own videos, I just want to use it as a place for my face to show up and cheer you on throughout the challenge. So download the app and then text me to let me know you want in!
Ok babes, we handled business, got the day one challenge + a bonus! I can't wait for tomorrow!
xo Adena
INVITE YOUR FRIENDS: This is the last day to join the challenge so make sure you spread the word!