
Bridal Boudoir – Denver Boudoir Photographer

Oh brides! Brides and boudoir go together like peanut butter and jelly. I mean what better gift for your fiance then some smokin’ hot pictures of what they are signing up for for life! Before I dive into the all white lingerie and show you some of my favorite bridal pieces, let me be very clear that this is NOT all they brought to shoot in. When I sit down with a bride at our planning meeting my number one goal is to make sure she does this session for herself. I mean sure, the pictures are a great wedding gift, but the experience is for you. What better moment in your life to stop, be pampered, and have a little glimpse at the beautiful, sexy woman you are. Brides deserve this. EVERY woman deserves this. With that warning out of the way, lets dive in!

What to wear…bridal boudoir.

Every bride is different and there are SO many options when you’re planning your bridal boudoir session! Here are some things to think about:

  • What’s your style? Even though you see a million bridal pictures on pinterest…you don’t have to do what everyone else does! These pictures should scream you, not “Hey I saw that on pinterest!”
  • I LOVE flowers in bridal boudoir. This is another way to show your style! Do you bring a bouquet, a flower crown? Maybe some white roses or, my favorite, baby’s breath?
  • COLOR…yes that’s right. Although most clients choose white for their bridal pieces, I’ve also seen gorgeous colors like light pinks and blues!
  • Bring things you are planning to wear on YOUR wedding day! Earrings, shoes, garter, veil, HEY…maybe even your dress, just so we can take it off ha!

All of that being said…here is a crazy blog full of different woman who all said “I do” after making their fiance’s jaw drop to the ground with their Blush & Tease package. Notice the different styles! Which one would YOU wear?

AND make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom for a fun announcement and to stay connected outside the blog! 

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Denver boudoirdenver boudoir

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WOAH! Water! That was a change of pace. Speaking of water…I’m working on a water event for my return clients. Think bubble bath, shower, white tank tops! If you’re interested make sure you are on my email list and in my private Facebook group to watch for the details. Its going to be steammmy.

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