Well considering this gorgeous client is planning boudoir session #4 (which we are totally going outside for!), this Friday favorite post is a long time comin’. Ages ago I used to describe Blush & Tease as a once in a lifetime experience. No way. Never again will I say that. One thing about being human is we are constantly changing. We have different struggles or we ride on clouds of happiness…every day, every season is different. And every day, every season deserves to be recognized. All of these moments shape us into the woman we are today. Do it for yourself NOW. You won’t regret it. And you can always do it again when you get where you’re going! Ha!
Anyway…back to this lovely lady. She is so much more then just a client to me. She’s my kickboxing coach at Palangi Fit. She regularly makes my heart beat so hard it might explode, sweat drip down every inch of my body, she pushes me, challenges me, and believes in me. I’ll let her do the talking about her session with me. This email brought me to tears. I love my job.
Hair & Makeup by the amazing Heather B.
“They say pictures speak a thousand words … well if pictures could actually speak, I’m sure this one would assure me that I am, in fact beautiful and free.
I’m officially addicted to Adena’s Blush and Tease boudoir photoshoots. Which is crazy considering I literally stressed myself to the point of tears over this first shoot I did with her. By now I’ve done three and am getting ready to schedule a fourth. These shoots have helped me more than I could have ever realized or imagined. They have been a regular reminder for me to get the hell out of my head. To realize that there is no such thing as “perfect” and that self-love and vulnerability are incredibly important for my personal growth.
This photo was instantly my favorite from my first shoot. (I have a favorite from each and am so excited to share them with all of you.) Why is it my favorite? Well, for so many reasons. For starters, I am human. That being said, I have spent countless hours being self-conscious over my body. My belly in particular. Name one woman who hasn’t? This picture is a direct slap in the face for me. It screams, ‘Dani, you are amazing and strong and can be, and have, and feel anything you’ve ever wanted.’ It makes me wonder why I waste so much time obsessing over the little curves and grooves that make me exactly who I am. Why not expend that energy instead, on being grateful for my body and all the hard work I’ve put in to maintain my health and wellbeing. Who decided that it was cocky or conceited to love yourself, to give yourself credit for the woman you are or have become?
This is quite possibly one of the most vulnerable positions or angles I could have been put in. For me anyway. And still, I am in love with this photo. When I look at it I have to remind myself, happily, might I add, that it’s indeed me posing there in the picture.
Adena truly has a gift. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. She allows me to gain an entirely new perspective on my body. She gives me the ability to look at myself through kinder eyes. Her photographs give me the insight to view myself how I imagine someone who loves me deeply and unconditionally, would. Not for my imperfections, but rather for the strong, independent and, dare I say, beautiful woman that I am.
Words will never be enough to thank you Adena. I mean that.” -Dani
Well that picture, those words…I’m just on cloud nine. But lets go ahead and show off some of MY favorites from her first session too!
One of the great things about a one-on-one session is the chance to mix it up and be more creative. Maybe even shoot outside? At the end of our session we did a little stroll in downtown Denver. Flawless client + gorgeous dress = heaven.
Dani, Thank you so much for sharing your favorite on my blog. I’m looking forward to seeing your favorites from session 2 & 3, not to mention planning your outdoor shoot this summer! I’m so so so sooooo glad God put you in my life. Thank you for pushing me constantly, whether I’m planking in class or planning my business you always encourage and believe in me. I need you more then you know.
OH and P.S. If you are near Arvada and need a good place to work out, seriously check out
Palangi Fit. I have never felt more at home and had more fun working out!