

Okay, challenge number 9. This one you probably won't check off as DONE today, but its going to make you put something on the calendar.


Let's start with some numbers. It is currently January 9th. I'm going to ask you to find ONE hour before the month is over to complete this challenge. That means AS OF midnight tonight you have 528 hours to find ONE. Now, I know that alot of those hours are already claimed. You've gotta sleep, you've gotta eat, you've gotta work, you've got commitments. But can I challenge you to ONE of 528? (Please don't math check me, you get the idea haha)


Now that I've made my case, trust the process.


If you could have ONE hour to do whatever you want, what would you do? Like a free hour, no one depending on you, no one expecting anything from you, just you doing something just for yourself. What would it be?


Some of you might know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, if you don't, let me give you some really random ideas.


Nap. Hike. Paint. Call your mom. Have coffee with your bestie. Get a facial. Detail your car. Go to the mall. Get artsy. Yoga. Go to a brewery and try some local beers. Go to a museum. Get a massage. LIVE MUSIC PLEASE. Take a bath. Browse the antique mall. Go to the salt caves. Watch a show.


I'm asking you to find something that is calling you, something that will make you KNOW that you showed up just for you and put it on the calendar. Now please realize that I didn't say one hour and an unlimited supply of money, or one hour and a family that knows you need it so they will fall in line, OR EVEN one hour and I'm sure it will be easy. I'm just asking you, can you find ONE hour in the next 528 and give it back to yourself? Schedule it and show up for you.


You know I want to know all about it. What are you doing? When is it scheduled? EEK!! I'm so excited for you!!