

Day 6!! Let's talk about confidence! Today is a journaling/thinking/conversation challenge. I hope that it starts to build an understanding about your own self confidence and gives you an idea of what you can work on to make it even better. If you've done a shoot with me, we may have talked about this at your planning meeting but I think it is so important to revisit this over and over.


First answer this question...when do you feel the most confident?

I've sat with so many of my boudoir clients and here are some examples of things I hear:

- When I'm dolled up & going out

- After a great workout

- At work

- On vacation

- First thing in the morning

- When I'm surrounded by people I love

- In nature

I have also had clients who can't think of times they feel confident at all (we will talk about that in a minute).

So write it down, think about it, name it. When do you feel your most confident?


Now I want you to figure out why. It helps to put it in a sentence...

"I feel my most confident when I'm at work because I'm really good at what I do."

"I feel my most confident on vacation because everything else fades away."

I think that if you feel confident when you're dolled up or after a good workout it's because you put in the work. Think about it, when you spend the time getting dolled up you look gorg after. On the other hand, when you're leaving the gym and looking a little rough YOU STILL are feeling confident. Why? Because you invested in yourself! Make sense?

So when do you feel you're most confident is the start, but the WHY is what you need to figure out.


Adena, where are you going with this?


If you understand your why, you can implement it much more often than just knowing the moments that bring you confidence. A great example of this...I had a client who told me she felt her most confident when she was on vacation because everything else fades away. I'm like, girl, I wish I could make you go on vacation every week BUT that's not realistic. How do we find other moments that everything else fades away? I remember she told me when she dances the same thing happens. She said something like, "I'm not a good dancer but if music is playing and my body is moving its like nothing else matters, no one else is in the room, everything fades away." So maybe when she needs to feel that confidence she throws a little mini dance party. She taps into it. Maybe if your why is investing in yourself you pick out your clothes the night before or you spend 10 more minutes trying something new with your hair. One of my clients had a hard time answering this. She had felt her most confident at the gym but since an injury she hadn't felt it all all because she couldn't work out. That's exactly why we need to know our why! It's not just a specific moment that makes your confidence grow, it is deeper and how refreshing to know that YOU can have control over it!


Everyone is going to be SO unique and each answer is going to be different. This is work that you have to do. So think about it, try to answer the questions, and if you get stuck reach out to me! I would love to help you think through them!


Here's the thing. Self confidence is like a muscle. If you aren't working it, it just disappears. If you're starting from the bottom, you've got to build it up. So let's understand it and start leaning into bettering it every single day.


NOW...those of you who can't tell me when you feel confident, please read this! I'm so dang proud that you're showing up for yourself in this challenge. That alone should start to make you feel like confidence is within reach. YOU CAN DO THIS! The work for you is to just start looking for those moments. If you're not in the practice of feeling confident, they may sneak up on you. If you start to think, wait, I'm good at this or wow, I'm glad I handled that like are scratching the surface of your confidence. Keep digging, keep looking for it, keep wanting it.


I would love to hear your thoughts! What is your why? How can you make that happen more often so you are working that confidence muscle?