

Challenge #27! What is your walk out song?!


Imagine you're asked to speak on stage (ok don't go running, I hate public speaking too, this is just pretend) and you're being introduced to a crowd of people. They are all there to celebrate who you are and listen to your story and they are PUMPEDDDD!!! What song plays when you walk out?


I almost started a list of ideas for you, songs that popped into my head but THEN I started asking my friends what their walk out song was and OMG the conversations and laughter that came with it was SO MUCH FUN. So, I'm leaving you to it. If you're stuck, ask some friend what their's is and what they think yours would be.


If the conversation is too much fun to quit, the next question is who would play you in a movie? Haha! Again, such a great conversation starter!