Have you ever had a quote that spoke straight to your heart? Like it is exactly what you needed to hear at exactly that moment?
I absolutely love the way that authors/poets/songwriters can put all of the feels into words. Today, I want you to find a quote that you love. If you already have a bunch, great! I want you to find something new just for you in the moment that you're in. If you've never really had one, let me help you find it!
I think Pinterest is such a great website to help with quotes but you can totally use Google or even social media if you know how to search right. Let's just say you're going to use pinterest, head over to https://www.pinterest.com/ and start your search. It would be easy to just put in "best quotes" or "quotes about women", but I want you to take it further than that. You have to do a little digging in yourself to find out what you are looking for.
Maybe you search...
quotes about showing up for yourself
quotes about loneliness
quotes about finding yourself
quotes about following your heart
quotes about transitions
quotes about patience
You get the idea. If someone could drop a beautiful word in your lap that you could latch onto and focus on for the next week, what would you want it to be about? Now go find it.
I would love if you share it with me! Here are some quotes that I've always loved and some new ones that I've found recently that have spoken right to my heart.