It's challenge #14 and I want you to start listening to yourself. That's right, have you ever paid attention to your voice in your head when you are talking to yourself? Self talk is an EXTREMELY powerful thing. Which means it can change the way your day is going, the way you feel about yourself, or the way you handle a situation in just a few short words that you are whispering (or shouting) silently to yourself.
We all do it, it just looks different for everybody. So, your challenge today is to start paying attention to that inner voice talking to you. What is she saying?
"Damn girlll, lookin' good today!"
"You've got this, you've got this, you've got this!"
"As much as you hated that situation, you showed up for yourself and did the right thing. Bravo!"
Or maybe your self talk sounds more like...
"Seriously, you had ONE job, why can't you get it right?"
"You'll never look like you looked when you were 20, stop trying."
"How you feel doesn't matter."
Or hey, maybe you do a little bit of both?
But have you ever intentionally listened to that voice and decided if it was working in your favor? It's time to listen, maybe even repeat it out loud, how does that feel? Would you talk like that to someone you love? Would you repeat that to your daughter or your best friend? If you don't like what you're hearing, spend some time deciding that it doesn't have to be your truth and there is a different way to live in your head.
There are so many roads you can go down to work on self talk. Affirmations & mantras are powerful ways to combat negative self talk. Self compassion is something you have to practice so that when those words show up, you are ready to stop them and give yourself grace.
I wish I could walk each one of you through this challenge because I really do think everyone is in a different place, PLEASE reach out to me if you feel like you don't like what you hear but you don't know where to go next.
But for today, just start listening. That is the start of showing up for yourself in your mind. If you can work on a next step, find a simple phrase that you know you need to hear. Start repeating it to yourself until you know its true. Then when negative thoughts creep in, stop them in their tracks. Practice, practice, practice. If you have been talking to yourself negatively for any amount of time, its not going to go away overnight. But when you put in the work, you'll feel the difference.
I would LOVE to know where you feel like you land on this challenge! Is your self talk full of affirmations and positivity? AMAZING!! Do you feel like you could use some cleaning up a bit? Get in there and do the work! Or are you realizing that 99% of the things that you say to yourself are nasty & downright rude (like you'd slap a b*tch if you heard her talking to your bestie like that)? This won't be easy, but it will be worth it, I promise.